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Triathlete Gift List - Because Everyone is Doing It

It seems like everyone is doing a gift list for runners, cyclists, triathletes, etc.  I've been enjoying them, but they don't necessarily include my favorite things, so I thought I would share my own.

1. Feetures elite ultra light no show tab socks -

These are my hands down favorite running socks.  For running I will basically only wear them, they are the best socks ever.  They are lightweight and don't feel like they're taking up space in your shoes.  They wick water from even my sweaty feet.  I haven't had a blister wearing them (except when running hills in an utter downpour/thunderstorm, but that doesn't count).

2. Saucony Guide shoes on the Everun platform -

I used to run exclusively in Brooks.  No, I didn't have some cool sponsorship, they were just the best shoe for me for a long time.  Then Saucony came out with Everun and I tried them at a test event at Runners Forum.  New shoe love affair immediately.  I run in several brands now, but these are my favorite.

3. Saucony Bullet capris and shorts -

Team Shorts introduced me to the shorts and I thought the quad pockets were amazing...but also that the shorts were too short for me.  I eventually got some of the shorts and they are a bit on the short side for my body type, but look super cute on the trim crowd.  But the quad pockets PLUS a zip pocket in back.  Super awesome for fall and spring running.

4. Trek Domane 5.2 -

I just got a new road bike in the aftermath of the BMW demise.  I managed to score a new 2014 model at the Bike Line at tremendous discount, but what I love about the bike is Trek's IsoSpeed is a fast smooth ride.  I haven't gotten to ride it much yet, but I was in love when I first test rode it.  Helps that the geometry is perfect for me (worked through that with my bike fitter before test riding bikes), but check it out.

5. Swimsuits and googles

I don't even care what brand of either, although I tend to buy TYR or Dolfin suits and TYR or 2XU goggles...the chlorine has been eating my suits and I seem to be plowing through goggles at an alarming rate even with only two days a week in the pool.

6. Blackburn Sweat Net -

This is a MUST HAVE if you ride your bike on an indoor trainer.  I sweat A LOT doing basically anything.  I really sweat into the pieces parts of the top of the bike when I ride, which is apparently bad for the bike.  This is designed to prevent that, without risking a towel falling off the bike and not doing it's job.

7. Cycleops Trainer Mat -

While we're on the topic of sweat on the indoor trainer...we discovered quickly that to protect the hardwood floors we were going to need to get a trainer mat.  It's a great investment and prevents nasty pools of sweat (and spills from water bottles) from destroying your floors.  Seems like a good deal, right?

8. Zoot wetsuit -

Last year for Christmas my parents got me my first wetsuit.  I had been avoiding one for years and based on Sausage in a Wetsuit's experience I wasn't sure I even wanted to try one on.  But I did (it was a struggle) and I got one.  It allowed lots of early season open water swims and prevented me from a DNS at Tri Bonkers because it was a COLD day with COLD water and I don't think I could have gotten in without it.  Also....they make you faster.  Enough to matter.  I went with a men's suit because I wasn't convinced a women's suit would fit.

9. Race entries

One of my favorite presents is race entries.  Usually it is my husband or my mom that indulges my racing habit.  Some races have even made it easier to gift race entries by making gift certificates available.  That way you aren't waiving someone else's liability and such.

10. Coaching fees

The best investment I have made in sport is in my coaches.  Hands down.  I see so many people working so hard without a customized plan and getting stuck.  It's better to work hard with someone who has dedicated his life to the sport (I used a male pronoun because both of my coaches are men - I tend to work better with men).  I have a tri coach and a swim coach and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  It's great though when a family member wants to pick up a month of the coaching tab as a gift. :)


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