Yesterday was not a running day. But that doesn't mean I didn't do anything. This year I am taking cross training a little more seriously, even when it isn't warm outside. Many days (except for the longest run days) I am also spending some time on the bike trainer. The first week in January it was 15 minutes a day, the second 20 minutes, and now I am trying to do 25 minutes a day this week. On "rest" days from running I am doing the time on the trainer and steps. I am also doing some arm weight training every other day. I wish I still had access to a gym for better weight training, but I will do what I can at home with what I have.
I am not so sure how I feel about calling my other exercises (especially the bike - and swimming) "cross training" since I don't really think of myself as a "runner" first (or most days at all) and I do compete in triathlons, so they count too. But it seems to be the standard phrase and since this is my marathon blog I will live with it :).
I am not so sure how I feel about calling my other exercises (especially the bike - and swimming) "cross training" since I don't really think of myself as a "runner" first (or most days at all) and I do compete in triathlons, so they count too. But it seems to be the standard phrase and since this is my marathon blog I will live with it :).
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