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Showing posts from 2011

I am Crazy: Avenging the Monumental

I am probably certifiable. But I am convincing myself am not crazy by saying I can always drop down to the half if my training doesn't go well...see, I just signed up to do the full marathon at Monumental in 2012 - avenging my 2009 DNF. Ever since I recovered from the San Diego full I have been thinking that I should do maybe one more...finish the Monumental. I want to do this. I don't want to drop to the half. I will train for it and try to make it happen. But I need to be able to drop 40 minutes off my San Diego time to finish in Monumental's time limit. It will take a serious effort. And much of the training is while it is still warm outside. This will stay under My First Marathon (x2) since it is the redux of my first marathon (attempt).

What I might do different (if there is a next time)

I have been thinking about what I might do differently if I were to attempt a marathon again...and maybe what I did right... Things to do differently: * more than one 20 mile training run * train to run it, walk if necessary * Body Glide more surface area than I think is needed * higher SPF sunscreen * sunscreen before clothes (clothes creep up) * don't plan to do a half marathon the next weekend * plan to rest for a few days (minimum) after * don't have a cortisone injection in foot two days after * continue intentional hydration for several days after the race * wear a full hat not just a visor (sunburned scalp isn't fun) Things I think I did right: * choose a race location with consistently good weather * choose a race with a time limit that is achievable for where I am in terms of speed * not trying to do more than 20 miles in training * not going out too fast/holding back in the beginning * training to eat/knowing what I could eat while moving * choose a relatively fla...

I don't have to do it again - I finished!

Now we know how this blog ends. I finished a marathon. It took 7 hours, 9 minutes, 25 seconds...and hours of training, gallons of fluids, and a heap of support from friends and family. Race morning was a bit unnerving. I left the house at 3:57 AM and got to the exit before the airport parking lot (which was a shuttle lot to the race start) at 4:17 AM...and then it took until 5:22 AM to get the 1/2 mile into the airport lot and get a parking spot. Then I joined the shuttle line hoping that I would get on once still since shuttle service theoretically ended at 5:30 AM. Made it to Balboa Park, found the gear check and then headed to a Porta Potty line. Race started and I was still in line, but they use a wave start and I was assigned to corral 32 so I wasn't worried. I got in my corral (actually I decided to drop back a few) in plenty of time. It was nearly an hour after the elites started that we got our gun. It was really really hard not to take off running at half marathon ...

Last training run

So today was supposed to be an easy two mile run... Started out good except I forget how hilly my brother's neighborhood really is. Found my first turn just fine. Then I went too far on a hilly street called Rambling I decided I had gone too far and needed to turn. Took a cut through the block on a mid-block trail and kept going. The that street ended so I went over another block. Then I was well past two miles and couldn't find the school I was going to cut through to get back. Stopped at a 7-11 for directions and the guy buying a newspaper told me how to get to the school and I took off on Mountain View. Glad I was going downhill. At the bottom of the street there was a staircase down to another street, not the school. Kept going and I ran into Rancho Santa Fe Road and hoped I was turning the right way. When I got back it was 5.06miles after I started but felt good. Cool and cloudy early morning. So the two turned into five and there were hills, but it...

Marathon Expo

Today was the expo for the San Diego Rock &Roll marathon, which I will run/walk on Sunday. Stood in line for more than an hour but I was the fifth one in the doors. Got my race packet and shirt and swag bag then headed into the merchandise area. Bought a half-zip pullover (mens -as usual). Then I was into the traditional booth area. Talked to some people, avoided some overly aggressive people, and bought some stuff like my favorite socks that are usually buy two get one free at expos. People keep asking if I am "ready" and I am not sure what the answer is. I have been training for months, but I don't know that I would necessarily call it "ready" since I know I have tried and failed at this before. But I also know that I have a lot more experience this time and the is no reason why I shouldn't be able to do this. I just need to think happy thoughts and keep my head in the game during the race. It is starting to feel "real" though - like ...

8 mile taper run

Today was the last "long run" of taper - 8 miles. I decided that I would do two miles before the club run started and then do six with the club so that I didn't feel like I was way behind everyone else (or more behind than usual). I went out a little before 8:30 and headed south on the Monon from Broad Ripple. It was cool and humid, but not raining and not windy. Cloud cover was pretty thick. Had a good two mile warmup, averaging about 12:30. Got back to the deck in Broad Ripple and the guys had put out the cooler of water and cups so I grabbed a sip. When the club left at 9:00 I took off running again and decided to see how long I could keep it up. I haven't done very well on longer runs with running the whole way and a lot of the marathon training has been walking (purposefully). Two guys from the club (one who is coming back from a back injury sustained in a race last year) were behind me. I decided I wanted to stay ahead of them. They caught me at one po...

"Only 12"

Today was a taper run of "only 12" miles. It still cracks me up to think of 12 miles as "only" anything because 2.5 years ago the idea of double-digit miles under my own propulsion would have been ridiculous. Now it seems to be a not unpleasant distance. It was hot when started out. Very hot. I decided that I would run in the shady places if and when I felt good and I did some of that. I had planned my route so that I knew where there was water for all but the middle 5 miles so I didn't have to carry any. All is well, except it was hot. I timed the run to avoid the rain that was supposed to roll in this afternoon...only 10% chance of rain through 2 PM. Rose 0, Rain 1 Around mile 5 it started getting dark. At first I thought it was a somewhat welcome reprieve from the heat. Then around mile 6, where I turned around on 146th Street, it started to thunder. Back on the Hagan-Burke Trail the air got very still except for the eerie rustle of small leaves. I...

The 20 miler

So today was the 20 miler...has been haunting me since I did the one for the Monumental Marathon that I bonked at 15. I have learned a lot of things since then including not to OVERdo the GU, to run a route that has places to get water rather than trying to carry enough (though I still used the Camelback), and to run where there are other people running...including people you know so you have some support along the way. I started out really good...knew not to go out faster than necessary...kept it just under a 15:00 through mile 10...mile 11 was just over...and then they were more than "just" over but I managed to average 15:45 which is well within the long run pace window...but unless a miracle occurs on race day it seems like I will probably need the full 7 hours...I hope not, but I might. Breathing was good the whole time even though I forgot to take my drugs before I left and there's still a boatload of pollen in the air even with all the rain...and lilacs...and peop...

29 days and counting

We're into the final month before the San Diego Rock & Roll marathon on June 5. Yesterday's Indianapolis Mini Marathon was not encouraging, but I am trying to stay positive about the marathon. After all, I just need to complete 26.2 miles in 7 hours to meet my goal. I have learned that I can't stand on my feet for 12 hours the day before a race, it leaves me tired physically and mentally...not a good combination for racing. I have also learned that I need to make sure I keep my blood sugar from dropping during the race and that using the inhaler before the race is probably a good thing. As we get into the final month I am staring to be more concerned about race weekend logistics than anything else...but I also know that I still have three long runs and several shorter runs before I get there. I need to stay healthy and mentally in the game.

A great run

Some days you just have a great run that totally reminds you why you do was that day for me. It wasn't my fastest run by a long shot, it wasn't my longest run. But the weather was perfect and it felt good to RUN and I didn't feel like I needed to stop or walk. I just ran and felt good. :) 5.3 miles on the Monon at 4:50 PM, sunny and 57 degrees, not too windy.

The first really long run - 18 miles

The last time I ran 18 miles it was the 30K Crossroads of America in late summer 2009. I finished that race last and I was glad to have finished. Today I was happy to finish my training run. There is a long way between 18 and 26.2 though and while I think I can finish, it will likely be a very slow marathon. My training runs are within the window for long run pace for my goal time, but I just don't know that I will be going any faster on race day. But maybe...just maybe. Today's weather was good in the sense that it wasn't actively raining most of the time so I did get to run outside instead of doing 144 laps of the indoor track at the Monon Center. But it was a tad chilly when the wind blew (probably could have used a long sleeve shirt and gloves) and not great for the 10 minutes it did rain. But I got to run outside. Along the way I saw several Indy Runners people out for their Saturday morning run, said "hi" to Monon Bob twice, talked to Erika Wells and m...

First Half Marathon of 2011

Saturday was my first half marathon of 2011 - the Sam Costa half. It is one of (if not the) the oldest half marathons in Indiana and Indy Runners is the steward of the race so as a board member I was involved in the setup on Thursday and Friday and some of the tear down on Monday, but I got to run on Saturday. Even though I would not normally be concerned about a 3 hour time limit for a half anymore, I was for this race. I had an upper respiratory infection that I was (am) still recovering from and knew I wouldn't be able to run the whole way because I hadn't been able to run more than a few miles since it started. But I knew I could go the distance, it was just a question of how much walking. I decided I would run as far as I could to "buy" time to walk at the end. I started out at a great pace - my first mile was 11:50. At 7 miles I was at 1:24 and some change on the clock which was my fastest official 7 miles to date. But my lungs ran away after I crossed the...

A Small Setback, But It's Early

So...I have a raging upper respiratory infection and ear infection. Causes absurd amounts of deep chest coughing and lots of "popped" ears. Also makes it really hard to breathe. And, you guessed it, you need to be able to breathe to run. So this is a setback, but I don't think it is major and it is still relatively early in training. I don't think it's a tragedy because I have's not like I am out to WIN the marathon, or even place in my age group...I am out to finish. I may finish last and I don't care because I will have finished a marathon. I am going to be slow anyway. Also, the doc knows I am a runner and said I could run as long as I used an inhaler right before I ran and then carried it with me for the next several weeks. Didn't even flinch at my first half being in 1.5 weeks. This is good. The reality is that until some of it clears up I am going to be walking. I walked with the training program tonight and did the who...

The horrible, bad, no good run

So yesterday was a HORRIBLE run. A special kind of terrible. The kind of terrible where you wish you had run with your cell phone so you could call someone to come rescue you. It started out good enough. I had done a strong 6 with two particularly good miles on Thursday and this was a "step back" week so I was "only" running 9 miles...and I walk/run for my long runs since I think that is how I am going to do the full I thought I was golden. Yes, it was windy...but it was sunny. First mile was slower of a walk than I wanted but I was "warming up." The first run mile wasn't too bad. Second walk mile was fine. Second run mile even felt fine. I had stopped to see if the drinking fountain at the Carmel trailhead was working and it wasn't but it isn't that much further to the Monon Center so I shrugged it off. Continued to the turn around at 116th Street and headed back to the Monon Center for a pit stop. Got a sip of water, u...

Mini Training 10K - a new PR...BUT...

Approaching this weekend I knew I wanted, no "needed", to PR. I haven't run a 10K since this same race last year and I "had" to be faster. But I also knew that I would be coming off of a 12 mile day on Friday...and I wasn't sure how that would affect me. Also, the weather forecast was not great. After yesterday's 12 miles (inside because of the rain) I was pretty sure I could do "ok" for the race today, but wasn't sure and was letting doubts creep into my head. Woke up this morning and it was warm and drizzling (but not raining hard) and breezy (but not windy). I changed my clothing strategy and went downtown. Before the race I decided I was going to be too warm with my jacket since it wasn't "actually" I checked it. Good call as it turned out. It looked like a lot of other people wished they had made that decision. My sportband decided it wasn't going to cooperate with starting at the start time, so I...

Pacing the 14:00 Group

Tonight I helped Leona pace the 14:00 min/mile group for the Indy Runners training program again. You might be like, Rose, 14:00 isn't going to get you to your goal of finishing the mini sub 2:40...and you are right, but there are so many runs in the week that helping out once in a while doesn't mess with the universe...AND 13:45 is about the pace I will need to be able to beat to finish the marathon in under it does give me a good "feel" for what my slowest pace should be during that race. The great thing about the training program runs is that I don't even notice if it is getting dark when there are so many people on the trail because I don't need to be quite as careful about the things that might jump out and attack me (just kidding) - but there is a sense of security in numbers and it is a lot of fun to see everybody.

Speedwork Must Help

The ice has put me on the treadmill more than I would normally prefer lately and I have been playing"treadmill games" that are essentially a variety of approaches to intervals and speedwork. I wasn't sure if they were really getting me any faster (and I still don't know for sure) but if today is any indication the speedwork might just be helping. Today I ran at the indoor track at the Monon Community Center since I fell on the ice outside yesterday but didn't feel like 5 miles on the treadmill. I wasn't really super excited to run but since I need to take a rest day tomorrow from a schedule perspective I decided I HAD to run. So I started slow and speed walked the first half mile and then I started running. When I got to 3 miles I was noticing that I was actually at 5K pace even though I had walked the first half. Overall I finished 40 seconds faster (over 5 miles) than my tempo run pace of 12:00. Considering I wasn't running the first .5 mile I must...

Training Officially Begins Today

So today is the first day of the Indy Runners training program. While it is a half-marathon program I am also using it to train for the full by doing the "advanced" distance in the program daily and doubling the Tuesday distance for Saturday. In the IR program Tuesday is the "long run" for most runners. Saturday is generally a good day for me to do my even longer runs. Tonight's run is 3 miles. Shouldn't be too difficult, but Saturday's 7 will be the longest I have run since December 31. I am running with the 12:00 min/mile pace group which is still faster than I run long races, but it helps push me to get faster.

Cross Training

Yesterday was not a running day. But that doesn't mean I didn't do anything. This year I am taking cross training a little more seriously, even when it isn't warm outside. Many days (except for the longest run days) I am also spending some time on the bike trainer. The first week in January it was 15 minutes a day, the second 20 minutes, and now I am trying to do 25 minutes a day this week. On "rest" days from running I am doing the time on the trainer and steps. I am also doing some arm weight training every other day. I wish I still had access to a gym for better weight training, but I will do what I can at home with what I have. I am not so sure how I feel about calling my other exercises (especially the bike - and swimming) "cross training" since I don't really think of myself as a "runner" first (or most days at all) and I do compete in triathlons, so they count too. But it seems to be the standard phrase and since this is my m...

Before Training Begins

So why is it called "My First Marathon (x2)" - well, the 2011 San Diego Rock & Roll Marathon will (hopefully) be the first marathon I finish...I had to drop out of the 2009 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon at mile 15 (I got sick at Mile 11 and couldn't hang on) and it still haunts me. I really need to FINISH a marathon. I am not a runner and not a triathlete despite claims to the contrary. I am a 34 year old fat chick with diabetes (Type II) who managed to decide after diagnosis that I should get off my butt. That was in August 2008. In October that year my best friend decided to talk me in to doing Run Like Hell - a 3 mile costume run on the downtown canal in Indianapolis. I was like - I can't go three miles and I don't run...she said to walk it and see what I could do. I not only finished, I wasn't last, and it was in under an hour (no record setting here). And I was hooked on races. I also did the Drumstick Dash (4.5 miles) with my sisters and J...