The week leading into IM 70.3 Muncie we knew it was going to be a training race because the forecast was for hotter than a thousand suns and we had always thought if it as a training race anyway. It was also my birthday. The day before I met a friend for lunch and a tour of the recent developments in downtown Muncie. It was very cool, but I wasn't wearing the right shoes for it (flipflops)...I am too old for that crap. Then I checked in for the race, went to the athlete briefing, bought the things I needed/wanted, checked into the B&B, and then headed back into town for dinner. Then it was an early night. In true form, Muncie was hot. The water temp was 82.6 which really meant no wetsuits (even though I don't compete for awards it means it's much too warm for me to not overheat and panic) and a slow swim. Worse than I imagined, but I kept my cool about it. Then I had a super great bike. It was fun and fast and I enjoyed it a lot. In transition I had a hard time gett...