In early July it was clear that I wasn't going to be able to do the full marathon at Monumental and redeem myself since I had stress fractured my left foot. What happened on my birthday only made it worse. I went out for my first unrestricted run after completing the progression from the stress fracture. I planned on four miles and thought that would be reasonable...I was feeling good on the way out, but about .5 miles into the return trip all the sudden I was in PAIN. My hip felt like it had torn open. It took me the better part of an hour to hobble back to the deck in Broad Ripple and then I just laid down in pain. I spent the rest of the day walking very gingerly and basically "holding my hip on." It was the week before RAGBRAI so I figured I would be doing more cycling than running and with the time off running it would heal itself. I used the elliptical once after I came back and my hip didn't hurt. The next day I tried to run and right away I knew it wa...