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Showing posts from November, 2019

Monumental Goals

After the DNF at Marine Corps Marathon, racing Monumental was a done deal. I hadn’t done too much damage to be ready to go based on where I dropped MCM and had two weeks to recover and regroup. All my training in between was good. On Thursday before the race I went to the expo to pick up packets, drop off some things, and head out for my run. All was good and it was nice to see people. The cold weather moved in Thursday night, but that didn’t stop me from being at the shakeout run with Deena Kastor at 6 AM Friday. Even though that meant I was on a bus at 5:15 AM. When I am normally still asleep. I had a too quick and very cold two mile run and even got to run part of it with Deena. Then I had to go to work for a bit, then back to the expo for coach Matt Ebersole’s talk and Deena Kastor’s talk. I took the bus home to have dinner with David and settle into final race prep. Saturday morning was blustery, but I had my gear ready to go. David came down early and gave me a ri...