Inevitably for triathletes, people start talking about the "off season" and "off season" training as soon as the last race of the season is over. Some runners do as well, and in Indy there are a large number of people who take off between Monumental (early November) and time to get back to training for the Indy Mini (early May). I've never been one of those people and diabetes don't have an off season...but the other day there was a good reminder from coach that there is no off season. This is a time of year to work on weaknesses, but keep training, its how we hit goals and beat others (if that's what we're trying to do). My past few weeks have been 30-60% of the volume I was training at the peak of Ironman training, but still putting in 5-10 hours a week, usually in the middle of that. I took a few weeks out of the pool since I got a tattoo, my swims since then have been short and my November volume will be 1/3 of what it was most of the year...b...