I suck at recovery. This is not news. It's not even how I feel. By now it is fact. I am really, really bad at it. Other people know I am bad at it: Because you do not like lack of structure during recovery weeks, I have posted workouts. But please feel free to take the week off to recover and get psyched for the rest of the season. - ME That's the professional way of saying that I suck at recovery. Sunday I went to the gym and sat on a spin bike for 30 minutes and covered about 12K with a tiny bit of increasing effort in the middle. I went to yin yoga for an hour. Yes, I have a couch...it's even in front of a 65" TV...but I needed to move a little and then stretch a bit. Monday I didn't go to OWS (open water swim for non-tri dorks) but I did go to a slow flow yoga class. Of course the Loft/Phoneix crew was outside getting ready for their ride when I skulked into Kompose...I don't know why that whole situation still makes me feel we...