2016 was the first year of training for Ironman in 2018. For the most part there was a lot of progress and improvement, with a few sidesteps. In March I broke 2:30 for the half marathon for the first time. It was truly anticlimactic. I hadn't come closer than 2:32 in several years of trying to break 2:30. Then it happened. With a 2:28. In Dallas. With no one there. I've done it three times this year. So I guess I am a 2:30 half marathoner now. I am also able to consistently pace 2:45. May was the most awful Olympic distance tri ever at Bonkers. Paired with the irony of "earning" an invitation to AG nationals based on that race. Small races are weird that way. Early June is Monumental Mile. I always think I'm going to break 10:00 and never quite get there. Until I ran 9:41 this year. Still not sure how to feel about that. In June I was anxious about the Grand Rapids tri/Athena nationals . ...