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Showing posts from May, 2011

8 mile taper run

Today was the last "long run" of taper - 8 miles. I decided that I would do two miles before the club run started and then do six with the club so that I didn't feel like I was way behind everyone else (or more behind than usual). I went out a little before 8:30 and headed south on the Monon from Broad Ripple. It was cool and humid, but not raining and not windy. Cloud cover was pretty thick. Had a good two mile warmup, averaging about 12:30. Got back to the deck in Broad Ripple and the guys had put out the cooler of water and cups so I grabbed a sip. When the club left at 9:00 I took off running again and decided to see how long I could keep it up. I haven't done very well on longer runs with running the whole way and a lot of the marathon training has been walking (purposefully). Two guys from the club (one who is coming back from a back injury sustained in a race last year) were behind me. I decided I wanted to stay ahead of them. They caught me at one po...

"Only 12"

Today was a taper run of "only 12" miles. It still cracks me up to think of 12 miles as "only" anything because 2.5 years ago the idea of double-digit miles under my own propulsion would have been ridiculous. Now it seems to be a not unpleasant distance. It was hot when started out. Very hot. I decided that I would run in the shady places if and when I felt good and I did some of that. I had planned my route so that I knew where there was water for all but the middle 5 miles so I didn't have to carry any. All is well, except it was hot. I timed the run to avoid the rain that was supposed to roll in this afternoon...only 10% chance of rain through 2 PM. Rose 0, Rain 1 Around mile 5 it started getting dark. At first I thought it was a somewhat welcome reprieve from the heat. Then around mile 6, where I turned around on 146th Street, it started to thunder. Back on the Hagan-Burke Trail the air got very still except for the eerie rustle of small leaves. I...

The 20 miler

So today was the 20 miler...has been haunting me since I did the one for the Monumental Marathon that I bonked at 15. I have learned a lot of things since then including not to OVERdo the GU, to run a route that has places to get water rather than trying to carry enough (though I still used the Camelback), and to run where there are other people running...including people you know so you have some support along the way. I started out really good...knew not to go out faster than necessary...kept it just under a 15:00 through mile 10...mile 11 was just over...and then they were more than "just" over but I managed to average 15:45 which is well within the long run pace window...but unless a miracle occurs on race day it seems like I will probably need the full 7 hours...I hope not, but I might. Breathing was good the whole time even though I forgot to take my drugs before I left and there's still a boatload of pollen in the air even with all the rain...and lilacs...and peop...

29 days and counting

We're into the final month before the San Diego Rock & Roll marathon on June 5. Yesterday's Indianapolis Mini Marathon was not encouraging, but I am trying to stay positive about the marathon. After all, I just need to complete 26.2 miles in 7 hours to meet my goal. I have learned that I can't stand on my feet for 12 hours the day before a race, it leaves me tired physically and mentally...not a good combination for racing. I have also learned that I need to make sure I keep my blood sugar from dropping during the race and that using the inhaler before the race is probably a good thing. As we get into the final month I am staring to be more concerned about race weekend logistics than anything else...but I also know that I still have three long runs and several shorter runs before I get there. I need to stay healthy and mentally in the game.